If you were hurt in a sideswipe car accident due to the negligence of another party, you could be entitled to financial compensation. These accidents often have serious consequences that impact your health, finances, and quality of life. You need a NY personal injury law firm.

We are committed to seeking justice for our clients at Friedman, Levy, Goldfarb, Green & Bagley. Our firm was founded on the principle that all people are entitled to competent, trustworthy, and aggressive legal representation. Trust that we will be your strongest ally as we fight to recover the compensation you need to heal after a sideswipe car accident. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation where we are happy to assess your case and answer your questions.

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What is a sideswipe accident?

Sideswipe car accidents occur when two vehicles are traveling parallel to each other and make contact with their sides. Some of the most common causes include negligent motorists who do not check for blind spots before changing lanes. They are also caused by drivers who drift into other lanes because they are distracted by phones, GPS, and radios and inebriated drivers weaving in and out of lanes.

These accidents become deadly when a driver loses control of their vehicle and then overcorrects, sending the car into a spin resulting in a dangerous collision with fixed objects or other vehicles. 

Who is at fault in a sideswipe accident?

It might not be immediately clear who is at fault. However, most of the time, it is the negligent driver who fails to yield the right-of-way. The location and type of the damage on the vehicle and witness statements can also help to prove fault. However, liability may not be limited to one car, as two or more vehicles can be involved in this type of collision.

What to do following a sideswipe accident

Your actions after a sideswipe accident can significantly impact your ability to pursue a civil lawsuit against the at-fault driver.

Here are the recommended steps to take to safeguard your health and your claim:

  • Contact the police. You should always notify the police and remain at the scene until they arrive. They will file a police report and ensure you get a copy.
  • Seek medical care. Even if your injuries seem minor, see a doctor. After an accident, adrenaline can mask pain and other symptoms. In addition, this creates essential documentation to support your case.
  • Do not discuss the crash. You are not obligated to talk to the other driver beyond sharing your license and insurance information. Discussing any aspect of the collision could hurt your chances of obtaining damages.
  • Document the scene. If you can do so safely, document the scene by taking photographs and making notes. It can help you recall the details of the crash and may be important evidence for your personal injury case.

Finally, after seeing a  medical professional, the wisest choice is to contact an auto accident lawyer.

Talk with an experienced personal injury attorney for a free consultation!

Contact us at Friedman, Levy, Goldfarb, Green & Bagley for a free consultation

Because of its sudden and unpredictable nature, a sideswipe collision can result in severe injuries. If you’ve been seriously hurt by a negligent motorist, you deserve to recover damages, including medical bills and lost wages. Call our New York sideswipe accident lawyers today for a free consultation. There is no obligation to hire us, and since we work on a contingency basis, you do not pay legal fees unless we win your case.