Caution: Slip & fall hazard sign in a building stairwell

Slip and fall accidents happen when you least expect them. In the blink of an eye, your entire world can be turned upside down. When property owners fail to keep their premises in reasonably safe condition, and this negligence causes a trip and fall injury, not to mention hospital expenses and missed time at work, you deserve to be compensated for your losses.

Tap Here to Call Our Office Now

After a slip and fall accident in White Plains, Yonkers, or anywhere in Westchester County, NY, contact Friedman, Levy, Goldfarb, Green & Bagley, P.C. to explore your options. You may qualify for monetary damages to cover your medical bills, lost income, and pain and suffering. We can help you get back on your feet and will protect your rights every step of the way.

Contact our law firm to schedule a free case review with an experienced slip and fall lawyer in Westchester County. Don’t delay. The sooner we can start our investigations, the more likely we can obtain valuable evidence that supports your claim.

Causes of Westchester County Slip & Fall Accidents

Every year, more than 1 million Americans are admitted to the emergency room for slip, trip and fall injuries. These accidents are commonly the result of property owners who fail to correct or warn visitors about potential dangers. This could be a recently mopped floor, a broken stair, uneven flooring, or other hazards. Here in Westchester County, NY, sidewalks can be particularly dangerous, particularly those that are cracked or covered in slick ice.

While a slip and fall on an icy sidewalk doesn’t automatically merit compensation, it may if your attorney can prove that the owner of the property waited many hours to clear the area. The following are some of the most frequently reported causes of slip and fall injuries in Westchester County.

  • Slippery or wet floors
  • Uneven pavement
  • Cracked sidewalks
  • Broken stairs
  • Poorly lit stairwells and walkways
  • Missing handrails or missing stair treads
  • Delinquent repairs/maintenance
  • Exposed cables or wiring
  • Debris obstructing walkways
  • Loose rugs that are unsecured
  • Unmarked changes in flooring elevation

Turn to our accomplished attorneys for sound legal support after a slip and fall in a public or privately-owned property. Our legal team handles complex trip and fall accidents that occurred in apartment complexes, hotels, retail stores, shopping malls, parking lots, educational facilities, government buildings, nursing homes, and everywhere in between.

Call now for a FREE consultation!

Liability After a Slip and Fall Accident

New York law requires business and property owners in Westchester to perform routine maintenance and exercise a reasonable standard of care to keep their patrons, visitors, and guests safe. This area of law is called premises liability, and it basically stipulates the following:

  • Property owners are responsible for regular inspection of their premises to identify probable fall hazards
  • Property owners have a duty to warn visitors about known slip and fall dangers
  • Property owners are obligated to repair unsafe conditions within a reasonable time frame after they have been identified

If it can be proven that the building owner either knew about or should have known about a dangerous condition or foreseeable hazard, yet failed to remedy the problem or put up a warning sign, victims stand a much higher chance of winning a settlement or court award.

Have You Been Injured? Click to call for a FREE consultation!

Deadlines for Filing a Slip and Fall Case in Westchester County, NY

There are deadlines for filing a premises liability claim in Westchester County, NY. Injured victims typically have up to 3 years from the date of the slip and fall to take legal action, although some circumstances may shorten this time frame. After the statute of limitation expires, you may forfeit your right to pursue money damages. Bear in mind that crucial evidence can disappear with each passing day, so it’s imperative to get the legal process started quickly.

Our dedicated attorneys have helped countless clients secure fair compensation for their injuries. We do this by collecting evidence that proves negligent actions were responsible for your fall and resulting injuries. This often includes:

  • Police accident reports
  • Eyewitness accounts
  • Photographs of the accident scene and hazard
  • Security camera footage
  • Previous complaints about dangerous property conditions

A Westchester County personal injury lawyer at our firm can ensure you are treated fairly throughout the legal process. With a strong advocate in your corner, insurance companies will be forced to take your claim seriously and pay the financial compensation you are rightfully owed.

Consult With a Westchester Slip and Fall Lawyer 

Our attorneys have won millions in compensation on behalf of clients, and have been dealing with insurance adjustors throughout Westchester County for several decades. Put our experience, knowledge, and dedication to work for you after a slip and fall accident. Reach out to schedule a free consultation with Friedman, Levy, Goldfarb, Green & Bagley, P.C..

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