Slip and fall accidents have the potential to cause an array of serious injuries. One of the most severe consequences of these accidents is a traumatic brain injury—also known as a TBI—which presents unique challenges. It not only has serious long-term effects, but it can be difficult to diagnose as well.
The symptoms of a TBI may not begin to manifest right away. In some cases, it could take weeks or even months. For that reason, it is worthwhile to understand the signs of this injury. If you are suffering from a TBI following a slip and fall accident, a New York City slip and fall lawyer might be able to help.
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The Severity Of Traumatic Brain Injuries
While every TBI is serious, some are more devastating than others. Certain brain injuries including concussions are considered minor traumatic brain injuries. Typically, they do not result in unconsciousness for more than 30 minutes. Most of the time, a person suffering from a minor TBI will not experience unconsciousness at all.
That is not the case for severe brain injuries. The individual can be unconscious for hours or even lead to a coma. The more severe the injury, the more likely a person will face long-term complications. With the guidance of a New York City traumatic brain injury lawyer, a person suffering from a TBI in a slip and fall accident could recover monetary compensation for their injuries.
How Brain Injuries Occur In Slip And Fall Accidents
The victims of a slip and fall accident are particularly susceptible to brain injuries. This is because many falls lead to an impact on the victim’s head. This injury could occur under any circumstance. However, a TBI is especially likely for a person that slips and falls backward. In these cases, the back of a person’s head is likely to strike the ground.
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Types of Brain Injuries Caused by Slip and Fall Accidents
Not all brain injuries are the same. While they usually involve blunt trauma to the head, how the brain is damaged from this impact can vary dramatically. Some of the most common types of brain injuries occurring in a slip and fall include:
- Concussions. The most common form of traumatic brain injury is a concussion. It occurs when the brain sustains a jolt from an impact which causes it to bounce or twist inside the skull. The health consequences can take weeks or months to develop after an injury.
- Coup-Contrecoup Injuries. A coup-contrecoup injury is essentially two brain injuries. It occurs when a person suffers damage to the brain caused by a blow to the head. The impact is so severe that it causes the brain to accelerate and strike the opposite side of the skull. This impact results in a second area of damage to the brain.
- Diffuse Axonal Injuries. A diffuse axonal injury—commonly known as DAI—occurs when an impact to the brain is so severe that it shakes the tissue connecting the brain to the spine. This tears or strains this tissue, damaging it.
- Bleeding on the Brain. This is also known as brain bruising or hemorrhaging. It involves an injury that causes the brain to bleed beneath its surface. Sometimes this injury will heal on its own. However, there are situations where the failure to treat a brain hemorrhage can be fatal.
- Edema. Edema occurs when a brain injury causes swelling–resulting from excess fluid trapped in the brain tissue.
Common Symptoms Of A Brain Injury
Traumatic brain injuries stand out because of the wide range of potential symptoms. It impacts different people in different ways, but the result is often debilitating.
One of the most challenging symptoms of a traumatic brain injury is cognitive challenges. A TBI can lead to a host of cognitive challenges including memory loss or difficulty organizing thoughts. Other symptoms can mirror those of dementia. These could include severe memory loss or difficulty managing basic tasks. One of the most unusual symptoms of a TBI could involve personality changes. A person living with it could see their personality change dramatically over time. This could lead to them becoming moody or aggressive.
Some of the other common symptoms include:
- Trouble sleeping
- Insomnia
- Blurry vision
- Trouble speaking
- Nausea and vomiting
- Severe headaches
- Confusion
- Seizures
- Convulsions
- Numbness
- Ringing in the ears
The monetary cost of treating these symptoms could be significant. A person suffering from these symptoms following a slip and fall accident could be entitled to recover compensation from the person responsible for their fall. Typically, this is the owner or operator of the property where the fall occurred. If you believe you are entitled to monetary damages after a fall, contact our team of New York traumatic brain injury lawyers right away.
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Contact Us For A Free Consultation
Because of the complex nature of these injuries, it can be difficult to successfully pursue a TBI claim. To maximize your chances of financial recovery, put your case in the hands of attorneys you trust. They can evaluate your symptoms and determine the value of your case.
The attorneys of Friedman, Levy, Goldfarb, Green & Bagley, P.C. understand what it takes to prevail in a slip and fall claim. To discuss your options, set up your initial consultation today.