Unfortunately, slip and fall accidents are quite common. They can be caused by everything from ice-covered sidewalks to potholes in parking lots. Regardless of the cause, however, it’s important to take it seriously. You may be wondering whether you should go to a doctor. After all, many people do not notice any signs of an injury. Even if they feel a little stiff or sore after falling, they may assume it’s nothing serious.

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However, you should always visit your doctor. This is important to protect your health and well-being, since it allows you to determine whether you have been injured—and, if you have, to what extent. Visiting a doctor is also essential to providing documentation if you need to file a claim for your accident. After you have been seen by your physician, you should consult a New York City slip and fall lawyer so that you can determine how best to proceed.

How Seeing a Doctor Can Help Your Slip and Fall Case

Seeing a doctor following a slip and fall is important for your health and well-being. However, it is also crucial for your personal injury case. If you intend to pursue a claim for damages, it is vital that you seek medical treatment right away.  

Going to a doctor immediately following an accident creates a valuable paper trail. It documents the seriousness of your injury and your effort to seek treatment and corroborates your side of the story by showing evidence of your injury. These medical records will be important in negotiating a settlement in your case. In addition, these records could also deter the defendant from claiming your injuries are not real.

Note that seeing a doctor once is not enough. To be made financially whole, you must follow their treatment plan. If you do not, the defendant could argue that you allowed your injuries to worsen. For example, the doctor prescribed five hours of physical therapy a week. But you only had two or, at most, three hours a week. And now there are complications. This avoidable worsening of your condition could limit the financial compensation you are entitled to recover. Legally, it is your duty to mitigate your own damages—by seeing a doctor and following their instructions. 

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Why You Shouldn’t Wait to See a Doctor After Your Accident

Putting off your visit to the doctor could result in putting your health at risk. If you have suffered a concussion, for example, then the symptoms may not be noticeable until days after your accident. Even broken bones can go overlooked if you assume that you have a sore wrist or a sprained ankle. That’s why it’s always best to leave the medical diagnosis to a professional. The sooner you visit a physician, the sooner they can identify and treat any injuries that you have sustained.

As your New York slip and fall attorney can explain to you, visiting a doctor after an accident means that you will have a clear record of the nature of your injuries. It also establishes that you took it seriously and sought treatment right away. This will be critical evidence if you need to take legal action to recover compensation. If you are treated weeks later, then it will be more challenging to establish a clear link between the accident and your injuries.

How Soon Should You See a Doctor After an Accident?

If you are experiencing sharp pain or discomfort in the immediate aftermath, seek emergency medical attention. If not, you should see a doctor within 72 hours. If possible, you should see your regular physician. If they are not available, visit an urgent care clinic in your area. Keep all records of any medical visits, including receipts and prescription information.

Contact Our New York City Law Firm for the Skilled Representation You Deserve

When you need a personal injury attorney to take your slip and fall accident case, you can always put your trust in Friedman, Levy, Goldfarb, Green & Bagley, P.C.  Whether you have been injured in a slip and fall accident in Brooklyn, the Bronx, or anywhere else in New York City, our hard-working team is ready to get to work on your case. We are dedicated to fighting hard for our clients’ rights, and we have a long track record of achieving successful outcomes in personal injury claims.

We are available around the clock to assist you with your case. Our New York City personal injury lawyers have the experience and knowledge necessary to guide you through filing a suit and recovering the compensation you deserve. Get in touch with us today for a free, confidential consultation.

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