Slip and fall incidents can result in serious injuries, unexpected medical bills, and extended time off of work. When the negligence of a business or property owner is to blame, these premises liability accidents are often resolved through settlement negotiations. The caliber of your legal counsel will factor into the monetary damages recovered, underscoring the need to work with accomplished New York slip and fall lawyers.

Friedman, Levy, Goldfarb, Green & Bagley, P.C. is a leading NYC personal injury law firm. Our skilled attorneys can outline your options and eligibility for a slip and fall settlement. Through personalized and compassionate legal guidance, we help our clients move forward after suffering serious injuries.

Slip and fall settlements in New York

Business owners, landlords, public entities, and commercial property operators in New York have a legal duty to ensure their buildings and premises are reasonably safe for guests and customers. Negligent maintenance or a failure to notify of potential hazards can prompt a premises liability claim if a slip and fall accident occurs. However, the majority of slip and fall complaints are settled out of court rather than going to trial.

In some cases, the victim and the defendant may agree to resolve the issue privately with a settlement. More often, a settlement is reached after the victim files a legal complaint or lawsuit seeking compensation for their hospital expenses, lost income, and other damages. In exchange for accepting a settlement payout, the victim must agree to drop the insurance claim or lawsuit and is barred from seeking further compensation.

Why defendants prefer to settle slip and fall cases

Why do most slip and fall complaints settle out of court? There are three primary reasons. Litigation is costly and could generate negative publicity that the defendant wants to avoid. Settlements are more economical and take less time for both parties. With a jury trial, the plaintiff may prevail, winning more compensation than the defendant was initially prepared to offer. Civil trials are risky for defendants because they do not know how much they stand to lose.

While the property owner or operator is willing to pay the victim, a settlement is not an admission of liability. In this way, it allows the defendant to maintain their public image while resolving pending litigation.

Average slip and fall settlement in New York

Whether you fell in a New York City apartment building or a parking lot, slip and fall settlementswill vary dramatically depending on your unique circumstances. Those who suffer permanently disabling injuries are more likely to recoup larger settlement awards that reflect the gravitas of their physical and financial situation.

If you’re wondering how much is my slip and fall case worth–the answer will hinge on the following variables:

  • Fault – If it is proven that you were partly at fault for your slip and fall incident, the settlement amount will be reduced according to the percentage of liability assigned.
  • Extent of injuries sustained – more severe or life-altering harm will draw larger settlements to account for not only medical bills but the impact on the quality and enjoyment of life.
  • Lost wages and income — resulting from your injuries and missed time at work.
  • Pain and suffering — including anxiety, PTSD, sleep disturbances, and emotional distress directly related to your accident.
  • Quality of evidence — to back up allegations that the slip and fall incident was preventable and caused by negligent actions.
  • Experience and resources of your legal counsel.

Types of compensation you can receive

Our veteran attorneys strive to maximize your legal recovery to account for all economic and non-economic losses, such as: 

  • Medical and hospital bills
  • Rehabilitation expenses
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of income, wages, and benefits
  • Diminished earning capacity
  • Loss of quality of life

We understand the financial strain our clients are under and work hard to expedite the legal process. How long do slip and fall settlements take? In New York City, this can range from 5 months to a few years, depending on the location of the accident, the complexity of the case, the defendant’s insurer, and other factors.

Reach out for free legal consultation

If you were hurt in a slip and fall accident, Friedman, Levy, Goldfarb & Green could help you pursue the compensation you deserve. Reach out to discuss the details of your case during a free initial consultation. We have a long track record of high-dollar settlement awards and are eager to help you after a slip and fall in New York.