A NYC slip and fall lawyer could handle every aspect of your personal injury case. For example, if you were injured after a fall on someone else’s property due to their negligence, your attorney could take you through each step of the litigation process. In addition, a New York slip and fall lawyer from Friedman, Levy, Goldfarb & Green could maximize the compensation you recover. Continue reading to learn how your attorney could improve your chances of success—then contact us today for a free consultation.

Investigating your accident

Wet floor sign at a building entrance

Before you can act on your personal injury case, your attorney must first understand all of the facts of your accident. A thorough investigation often begins with a review of any accident report filed with the owner or manager of the property. However, an investigation goes far beyond any statements and includes interviews with witnesses, collection of physical evidence, and evaluation of any security video that might have captured your fall.

Turn Your Slip and Fall into a Step Towards Justice. Contact Us Today!

Developing a theory of negligence

Once your attorney completes their investigation, the next step is to put it together and build a theory of negligence. Remember that you are not entitled to compensation simply because you fell on someone else’s property. To recover compensation, you must show the property owner did not fix or warn of a hazardous condition within a reasonable amount of time—and it caused you to slip and fall. For example, there might be a spilled carton of milk on a restaurant floor that wasn’t cleaned for several hours. If you slipped and fell, the owner or manager would be negligent.

Negotiate a settlement

Many slip and fall cases reach a conclusion through a negotiated settlement. In fact, it is not uncommon for the owners of the property to acknowledge they were responsible. In these cases, the negotiations center on the amount of compensation you deserve. This whole process can be challenging without the guidance of an attorney.

Filing a lawsuit

A lawsuit often represents your best chance of securing compensation after a fall. In some situations, the other side will not negotiate in good faith until after a lawsuit has been filed. Take advantage of our experience and knowledge with litigating slip and fall claims–in case your lawsuit ultimately goes to trial.

Contact us for a free consultation

Unsure of what to do after a slip and fall accident? The good news is that you never have to navigate this process independently. Instead, a dedicated attorney could help guide you step-by-step through the claims process. Our team at Friedman, Levy, Goldfarb, Green & Bagley, P.C. is ready to fight for you. With our help, you could recover compensation for your medical bills, pain and suffering, or lost wages. Reach out as soon as possible to schedule your free consultation.